The first AI Network Expert that keeps your network out of trouble

As a seasoned Networking Ninja, you're no stranger to tools of the trade. But adding another to your arsenal? Doubtful.

Yet, behold SliceUp, a true game-changer.

SliceUp Ninja slicing up the data
in minutes
not hours
90% fewer alerts
and less noise

SliceUp Sensei: AI Network Expert that multiplies your Network and Server Teams

Sensei outperforms typical LLMs by combining domain expertise with deep network understanding to deliver precise fix suggestions. It also automates Ansible playbook creation for seamless solutions.

Reduce time to insight with a Natural Language Interface -
Sensei, an AI Network Expert, proactively finds and prioritizes what needs to be done and provides a natural language summary of an incident.

Automate Ansible script generation for fixes - leveraging the power of Large Language Models, Sensei analyzes contextual incident data and automatically generates a .ymal file for fixes.

Up-level and Multiply L1/L2 Teams - enable lower-level engineers to perform more complex tasks with personalized Networking Expert by their side. Multiply your existing team in an instant! 

SliceUp Dojo: an advanced logic engine that powers Sensei 

SliceUp Dojo is an advanced platform that powers Sensei, AI Network Expert. It combines a scalable and flexible data ingestion pipeline, an MLOps pipeline for fast upgrades and additions to ML models, and an advanced correlation framework that understands the relationships in your network on multiple dimensions.

It is engineered to parse data dynamically, enhance Machine Learning capabilities and lay the groundwork for auto -remediation. Our cutting-edge automated topology discovery paves the way for superior auto correlations, streamlining root cause analysis. Moreover, our specialized Machine Learning models are meticulously designed for minimal resource consumption, enabling real-time, in-memory processing for swift, proactive anomaly detection.

Scalable and Flexible Data Ingestion Pipeline

with Automated and Dynamic Log Parsing

Reduce manual overhead - SliceUp dynamically builds parsing templates as logs come in without relying on predefined libraries - no more rigid grok or regex.

Remove blind spots and gain 100% visibility - these rare, custom logs nobody ever parsed?  You are right; SliceUp automatically parses them, too.

Extract features for Machine Learning - enjoy improved anomaly detection accuracy by automating feature extraction and removing human bias from the process.

Specialized ML proactively detects anomalies 

Achieve high-accuracy anomaly detection with minimal compute cost with fine-tuned, specialized ML models and algorithms. The  ML constantly learns from user feedback to improve accuracy further.

Reduce MTTR to minutes instead of hours - SliceUp analyzes logs and network metrics to proactively detect issues and resolve them before they degrade end-user experience and disturb operations.

Reduce data storage cost - over 95% of telemetry data tells you "everything is fine".  SliceUp accurately identifies the <5% that matters and re-routs the rest to cheaper long-term storage.

Multidimensional event auto correlations

Get to root cause faster - ML-curated anomalies found in logs, Synthetic Traffic, DPI, SNMP, etc., are correlated to provide full context for fast root cause analysis - no more toggling between different tools.  

Reduce alerts by 90%- several anomalies are grouped together into a single incident, resulting in fewer alerts, less noise, and faster time to remediation.

Enjoy superior correlation accuracy - unlike other tools, SliceUp's autocorrelation framework understands different relationships on the network and how they change over time.

See SliceUp demo featured on Packet Pushers

Ready to pioneer aI revolution with us?